13 Jun 2023

Is ADHD a trend?

The official definition of a trend is “a general direction in which something is developing or changing,” and this is true whether that something is positive or negative. Whilst the title of this article may lead you to think that ADHD being a trend is negative, it is in fact, the opposite that is true. Largely, the effect of social media coverage is a positive thing for ADHD and we are going to look at why.

How is social media impacting ADHD diagnoses?

The number of people being treated for ADHD has risen by 80% in the last 5 years and this is due to several things, social media being an important factor. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is getting more exposure than ever before on social media, along with more awareness of neurodiversity in general.  

Social media is considered a source of information and a way of connecting to people that you wouldn’t otherwise be able to meet. Due to this channel of receiving and telling information, we are more easily able to and willing to share mental health stories. There is now a whole genre of ADHD bloggers and influencers who can share their content for millions of people to see, something which just wasn’t available to us years ago.

Due to this, the sharing of information about ADHD has had an immeasurably positive impact in a variety of ways.  

Increased awareness and acceptance.

Firstly, it has increased awareness and acceptance and led people to understand that ADHD can affect anyone, and the symptoms may not always be obvious. 

Short-form video content.

Due to the creation of short-form video content on TikTok, Instagram, and now YouTube shorts, gaining in-depth information on ADHD is far more accessible than sitting down to read through leaflets and longer-form writing. It is also told by real people, which makes the condition far more accepted and relatable than finding out from out-of-date textbooks.

Removes stigma.

The increased coverage of ADHD symptoms can help to normalise the condition and reduce the stigma around it and again, especially when it is posted by someone we can relate to. It may also encourage someone to go for an assessment who was originally on the fence about it.

Online communities.

The support of others is a valuable thing and the increased coverage of ADHD online means that there are now online communities of people with ADHD or who are family members of those who have it. This dramatically reduces feelings of isolation and gives the chance to get advice and ask questions from people who are going through the same things.

What are the negatives of the online ADHD trend?

 With so much information so widely available it's easy to come by information that may not be accurate, and you may find that people will jump on the bandwagon to gain a few moments of exposure. This over-saturation could lead to an inaccurate self-diagnosis which can be harmful in many ways.

While the access to information about ADHD online reduces stigmas and lessens stereotypes, they may also in fact reinforce stereotypes and typecast people with ADHD even more as information online is not regulated or fact-checked, and we all interpret information in different ways. Therefore, it’s important to remember that information on social media is there to inform, educate and entertain, with the majority being the latter, which means that the unfortunate reality is that people can create content without the best intentions for their followers.

 What to do if you feel negatively affected by the trend surrounding ADHD.

 Another point to note is that ADHD often coincides with other mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, OCD, and eating disorders, so some symptoms that are described online may not be the direct impact of ADHD symptoms alone, which can make it very dangerous to self-diagnose from a TikTok video. If you feel overwhelmed or negatively affected by the amount of information online, below are a few companies, charities, and resources that offer sound advice-

ADHD Foundation

ADHD Clinic

Genius Within




How a specialist ADHD clinic can help.

Although social media is a treasure trove of new information, entertainment, and connection, the number one takeaway from this article is to remember that what is presented on social media may not be wholly accurate. Although it is perfectly valid to come to self-realisation through these channels, gaining a professional and certified ADHD assessment and diagnosis from an ADHD psychiatrist is highly recommended.

If you are being affected by what you believe to be ADHD symptoms and are struggling with daily life, the noise on social media may seem like an overload and so getting a professional ADHD assessment and diagnosis can be the first step into understanding yourself and your symptoms.

A specialist ADHD clinic like Beyond can help. We offer a comprehensive, multi-professional assessment for adults and children and our diagnostic team has specialist experience in assessing and supporting individuals with ADHD, helping them to live healthier and happier lives.

If you would like to speak to Beyond Clinic’s friendly team about obtaining an ADHD assessment or about ADHD treatment plans, you can get in touch here. 

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