Signs and symptoms of ADHD in adults.
ADHD is widely associated with a persistent pattern of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. These can significantly impair functioning on a daily basis and affect quality of life.
While the specific characteristics and severity may vary depending on the individual, these are common signals that ADHD may be present:
Having difficulty in sustaining attention or staying focused, particularly on tasks or activities, that are repetitive or require a sustained amount of mental effort. →
Hyperactivity can be physical or mental. Physical hyperactivity might present as constant fidgeting, squirming or, restlessness →
Interrupting conversations or activities, blurtings out answers before questions have been completed or completing other people’s sentences. Difficulty waiting their turn in conversation and activities. →
Most people will experience these difficulties to some degree across their lifetime. In order to meet criteria for diagnosis however, these difficulties should have significant impact upon a person’s daily functioning across more than one area of life.
Living with ADHD can be mentally and physically exhausting. It can lead to anxiety, depression and low self-esteem. Some people feel that they cannot keep up with life’s demands and perceive themselves as a failure. Others over-compensate with over controlling perfectionistic routines which can present a little like OCD type traits. It is not uncommon for people with ADHD to experience other mental health difficulties. However, for some, what they perceived to be anxiety or depression may well be undiagnosed ADHD.
Some people may be tempted to self-diagnose themselves with ADHD. If ADHD is suspected, a full assessment from a qualified healthcare professional is recommended. A comprehensive assessment will take into account a person’s life history, from before birth to their current age, as well as utilising objective measures to genuinely understand their life experience. This aids greater understanding of the presenting difficulties and can either aid accurate diagnosis of ADHD or support understanding of other mental health or developmental difficulties.
ADHD diagnosis is the first step to a person understanding themselves better. Following this there are several interventions which can support the management of symptoms. These include, psychological interventions, lifestyle changes, environmental adjustments and medication. Whichever treatment is right for you, it should aim to alleviate symptoms, improve functioning, and enhance your overall quality of life.
How ADHD symptoms differ in men and women
ADHD can cause different symptoms in females than in males. Adults and girls are more likely to be diagnosed with Inattentive type ADHD than boys, who are more likely to be diagnosed with Hyperactive/Impulsive Type.
Symptoms of ADHD in Women
ADHD in women is more likely to present as shyness, or seeming withdrawn. Many women and girls with ADHD are misdiagnosed, often described as flaky, or diagnosed as depressed, anxious, or even bipolar.
While hyperactive and impulsive symptoms are less common in women with ADHD, they can manifest with behaviours such as:
Symptoms of ADHD in Men
ADHD can cause different symptoms in females than in males.
Adult men with ADHD may struggle to focus and maintain attention, particularly on tasks that are not personally engaging or interesting to them. They may frequently make careless mistakes at work, have difficulty organising tasks, and struggle with time management.
Hyperactivity and Impulsivity
While hyperactivity often decreases in adulthood, some men with ADHD may still exhibit restlessness, impulsivity, and difficulty remaining seated for extended periods. Men with ADHD may act on impulses, interrupt others in conversations, or have difficulty waiting their turn in situations.
Forgetfulness and Disorganisation
Adult men with ADHD may have a poor memory, be forgetful, and struggle to keep track of appointments, deadlines, or personal belongings. They may frequently lose items, such as keys or wallets.
Difficulty with follow-through
Men with ADHD may have difficulty following through on tasks, whether they are work-related, household chores, or personal commitments. They may start projects with enthusiasm but struggle to complete them.
Distraction and Inattention
Individuals with ADHD may struggle to maintain focus on tasks, leading to frequent distractions and difficulty completing projects.
Time Management Challenges
Problems with time management and punctuality are common. Men with ADHD may often underestimate the time required for tasks and find it challenging to plan their schedules effectively.
Impaired Relationships
Adult men with ADHD may have difficulties in their personal and professional relationships due to impulsivity, forgetfulness, or difficulty listening to others. They may struggle to maintain long-term relationships.
Emotional Regulation
Some men with ADHD may experience mood swings, irritability, and difficulties regulating their emotions. They may have a low tolerance for frustration and struggle to manage stress.
Substance Abuse
Adult men with ADHD may be at a higher risk of developing substance abuse issues as a way to self-medicate and manage their symptoms.
Our pricing
ADHD assessment prices
Adult ADHD assessment
What’s included
- QbCheck
- DIVA 5 assessment
- Assessment with a consultant psychiatrist
- Post-diagnosis support
Finance options are available on request.

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- Telephone:0161 509 9555
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