25 Jun 2024

Is It Possible to Test for ADHD Online?

It is absolutely possible to test for ADHD online, what is not so clear, however, is understanding the difference between legitimate online ADHD assessments and what are purely screeners to check if you may or may not fall into the ADHD category. 

As ADHD assessment wait times increase for in-person sessions, more and more people are turning online to find the answer for either themselves or their child’s ADHD assessment. This is where it can get difficult to understand who to trust, which is why we’ve pulled this article together to help you navigate the online ADHD assessment world.


Differentiating Between Online ADHD Assessment and ‘Quizzes”

It’s important to understand the difference between just an ADHD quiz or screener, which is something that pops up if you type “Do I Have ADHD?” into a search engine, and a comprehensive Adult and Child ADHD Assessment that will require payment, time and patience, just as it would if you were to go through the process in person.

An ADHD quiz comprises a set of questions that will score you on a scale of how likely you are, from your answers, to have ADHD. The goal is not to diagnose you, its goal is to guide you on whether to go further with testing. It’s important to understand that whatever the outcome of these quizzes, it should not deter you from your gut feeling. If you feel you may have ADHD, then seeking help from a trained medical professional is important.

Legitimate Adult Assessment and Assessments for Children

A comprehensive online ADHD assessment should follow the same pattern as an in-person one, the reason you may find it online is to help lessen the wait time for in-person, and in some cases, it may be less expensive. It will involve a call with a mental health specialist whose aim is to understand your life experiences and ADHD symptoms, which includes completing a DIVA5 and other pre-assessment tools. Its aim is to fully assess the individual and provide care even if an ADHD diagnosis is not concluded.


Understanding a Premium Online ADHD Assessment Service

A premium online ADHD assessment will focus on accessibility and convenience for the patient, allowing them to be assessed in a comfortable setting and at a time convenient to them. In the UK right now, there are too many people struggling to access ADHD assessment services, this is where the development of online ADHD assessment services came to be, to help as many men, women, and children access the same robust and quality service you would receive in person, regardless of location. 

For an adult ADHD assessment and a child ADHD assessment, both should be performed by specialist psychiatrists in a secure and safe online environment. The assessment should usually take around 1 to 2 hours which should include pre-assessment tools and the completion of the DIVA5. The aim should be for patients and their families to have a full and comprehensive understanding of the outcome of the assessment, even if a diagnosis is not concluded.

Any relevant or recommended treatment pathways should also be discussed and if there is a recommendation for medication, an overview of the different types of medication should be discussed in detail. A post-diagnosis support appointment should also be provided which provides an opportunity to ask any questions about the outcome of the assessment or the next steps.


The Benefits of an Online ADHD Assessment

The main benefit of an online ADHD assessment is that it is quick, accessible and reliable. Other benefits include:

·      Save money on travel/ petrol.

·      Feel more at ease in your own home or a location of your choosing.

·      It’s accessible at a time that suits you.

·      Less disruption to daily routines.


Beyond Clinics: What Our Online ADHD Assessment Entails

At Beyond Clinic, we take a very comprehensive and personalised approach to ADHD assessment. Our experienced mental health specialists conduct a thorough assessment, helping us to understand you, your life experiences, and how ADHD symptoms may affect you in the past and at present. 

We understand how differently men, women, and children can be affected and how it impacts careers and learning, as well as relationship challenges and a host of co-morbidities. We prioritise providing rapid access to assessment and if applicable, treatment. 

Throughout the online assessment, we will gather information about you, your family history, and your physical health and understand the issues and impact of your symptoms and if diagnosed, work to develop a tailored plan designed for you and your specific needs. 

All of our child ADHD assessments are carried out by one of our specialist CAMHS psychiatrists and can guarantee a secure and safe patient management system. We understand a child feels safest at home in front of a screen which is why our online assessment can be carried in comfort whilst gathering information using diagnostic tools such as the Qb test and executive function tools.

  Legitimate Online ADHD Assessment from a Private ADHD Clinic in Manchester

Beyond Clinics was founded by a team of people who have themselves been diagnosed with ADHD, and also with lived experience of having children with the condition. We provide a service that we believe every adult, child, carer, or family deserves and that’s why, throughout our entire service and process, we offer services that other ADHD clinics don’t.

If you would like more information about our service, or to speak to a member of Beyond’s team, please get in touch today.

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