adhd medication12 Sep 2023

Will ADHD Medication Change My Personality?

It’s understandable to worry about the effects of taking ADHD medication. A lot of people with ADHD opt to take medication to help them cope with their symptoms but one of the biggest worries for them is if their personality will change as a result.

While ADHD medication works to lessen the symptoms of ADHD, getting the right dose is vitally important. Too low a dosage and there won’t seem to be any change, too high a dosage may result in a temporary “flattening” of your personality. 

How Does ADHD Medication Work?

The main way in which ADHD medication helps to reduce symptoms is by helping neurons pass along messages more effectively. When the action of passing information from neuron to neuron is disrupted it can impact attention, motivation, and impulse control and ADHD medication works to streamline this process.

ADHD medication can enhance the release of neurotransmitters, stimulate the receptors to enable them to catch more of the neurotransmitters and slow down the reuptake process so that neurotransmitters have more time to activate the next neuron.

What are the Different Types of ADHD Medication?

There are 2 main types of ADHD medication, stimulants, and non-stimulants and each type targets a different neurotransmitter. It is normal to respond differently to different medications and healthcare professionals will usually advise trying a few and switching to confirm which suits the individual best. Although it is important to note that ADHD medication is not a cure, finding the right medication for you can significantly reduce symptoms and calm hyperactivity, increase attention, and possibly give the quality of life that the individual desires.

Will ADHD Medication Change My Personality?

It’s important to understand the difference between a person’s behaviour and personality. A person's behaviour is based mainly on their situation at a given time, therefore it is more likely to change depending on the circumstance. A person's personality is inherent and therefore tends to remain more stable in different circumstances. 

ADHD manifests in a person's behaviour and there is no way to objectively separate a person's behaviour from their personality. ADHD medication works to change behaviours, so it’s easy to see why so many people are worried about taking ADHD medication and subsequently being worried about a change in their personality.

Ultimately, however, as long your medication is correct and at the right dosage, then ADHD medication should not affect a person's personality or sense of humour. What it will do is curb your hyperactivity, inattention, and impulsivity. 

Possible Side Effects of ADHD Medication

ADHD medication should never take away your joy and fulfillment of life; however, it can take time to find the right medication and dosage for you. Common side effects of a medication dosage that is too high are a hyper-focused state, maybe appearing dazed or withdrawn, you may have a sudden burst of restless energy, developing social inflexibility, or strong obsessive-compulsive behaviours. 

How to Understand if You Are Taking the Right ADHD Medication.

Medication for ADHD is not a cure and should not be sought after for this reason. No medication will take away all the symptoms all the time but it will help you manage your symptoms and behaviour. If your medication is working you could still be forgetful at times and struggle emotionally and socially, so it is beneficial to seek behavioural therapy alongside medication as part of a total plan. 

Understanding if your ADHD Medication is Working.

Experimenting with ADHD medications can be frustrating, but it is a positive step toward finding the right medication and dosage for you. If you find yourself entering a phase of medication experimentation with your prescribing doctor, below is a checklist of the positive traits that show that your ADHD medication is working for you:

  1. Impulsivity control – you will be able to better control your thoughts, and physical movements and interrupt people less often than before.

  2. Increased attention to detail – allowing you to catch small mistakes in work before they happen.

  3. Greater focus – able to focus for longer periods and able to direct it toward things important to you.

  4. Improved memory – able to remember things more clearly from day to day.

  5. Improved mood – feeling less anxious and stressed than before.

  6. Enhanced sleep – reduced racing thoughts before falling asleep and able to sleep better without waking as much.

Understanding if your ADHD Medication isn’t Working.

When trialing various ADHD medications, keeping track of how you feel throughout the process is important. Do you feel the same, better, or worse? Ask yourself important questions about how you feel physically and mentally and create a checklist of symptoms and side effects to help you find the right one.

The most obvious sign that an ADHD medication isn’t working is feeling none of the positive effects mentioned above. You may feel some of them but not all and this could be a sign that your medication may still need tweaking, especially if they come with side effects such as headaches, nausea, loss of appetite, or trouble sleeping. These points are red flags and should be talked over with your healthcare provider as soon as possible.

Other points of importance around your medication are:

Getting the right dose.

Feeling some positive effects, but not quite enough may mean your dosage needs tweaking.

The time of day.

Taking your medication too early or too late means it could either not kick in or be wearing off at the time that you need it. Keep track of when you need it most and plan to take it at the same time every day.

Life and hormonal changes.

As our life changes, so do our brains and this means needing to change our dosage and medication alongside to ensure we get the maximum benefit. 

Get the Help You Deserve from a Private ADHD Clinic in Manchester.

Getting the right medication and dosage for you can be a difficult process and require tenacity to see it through. If you think you have ADHD and are just entering into the ADHD assessment process, or you have a diagnosis and want to talk to someone about medication, Beyond, a private ADHD clinic in Manchester can help you to navigate the journey. 

We are an ADHD clinic powered by experience and are run by people who have walked the path, so we understand the trials of finding the right medication. Beyond offers a comprehensive pathway from initial ADHD assessment through to possible diagnosis, treatment, medication, and beyond.

Get in touch with one of our friendly and knowledgeable team today.

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